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About Us

Study Diary: Organize - Support - Empower

Study Diary is an organization founded by the youths in June 2022, offering non-profit educational programs, knowledge sharing sessions and career opportunities.

We have been a part to contribute as an organization which  emphasize UN SDG goals number (4:Quality Education). Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.


Our Mission

At Study Diary, we strive to empower individuals by making quality education accessible to all. We understand that traditional educational systems can be costly and exclusive, leaving many bright minds without opportunities to reach their full potential. Therefore, we are committed to organizing free learning resources and support systems that enable learners to excel academically and professionally. Through our Free IELTS Classes, GED Classes, and Conversation Club, we equip our community members with the tools they need to succeed. Beyond academics, we also bridge the information gap by providing valuable insights on scholarships and educational resources, ensuring that financial limitations do not hinder aspirations. We are driven by the belief that education is a lifelong journey, and we stand united in our commitment to empowering individuals and fostering a more inclusive, educated society.


With unwavering dedication, we work towards our vision of a world where education knows no boundaries, empowering learners to achieve their academic and professional dreams without the burden of exorbitant costs. At Study Diary, we offer Free IELTS Classes, GED Classes, and Conversation Club to equip individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in their endeavors. Additionally, we actively provide valuable insights on scholarships and educational resources, bridging the information gap and opening doors to countless opportunities. 


Education is the key to unlocking potential and driving positive change in society. Therefore, Study Diary embraces this ethos and remains committed to supporting learners on their educational journey, empowering them to realize their full potential and contribute positively to the world. Together, we envision a future where learning is a lifelong pursuit accessible to all, driven by Study Diary's dedication to education, inclusivity, and empowerment.

Meet The Team

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Thadar Soe


Head of Academics


Yan Paing Oo

Co-Founder (Former)

Thank you for 4 months with us.


Su Myat Htel

Head of Management Department



Management department oversees classroom operations and coordination, ensuring efficient and organized implementation of the study diary program.

Content Creation


Content creation department, including both content and graphic teams, is responsible for producing engaging and visually appealing materials to enrich the study diary program.


Department (English)

Academics department consists of general English moderators and IELTS moderators who guide and assess language learning within the study diary program, fostering a comprehensive educational experience.


Department (GED)

Academics department also includes GED moderators who facilitate and oversee the preparation and progress of students aiming to obtain their GED qualifications within the study diary program.
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