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Problem Solving

đŸ”± Once upon a time, a God offered a unique present to the three young girls who worshipped him. These three were known as “Ni Ni”, “Wah Wah” and “Nyo Nyo”.

The present is a power which can transform their tears into pearls

So what do each of them do?

First, Ni Ni, who created gloomy circumstances purposely within her family, provoking them until their words wounded her and sad enough to cry. These painful words from her family, though hurtful, were her ticket to the precious tears that would eventually be transformed into pearls.

Wah Wah, on the other hand, she didn’t do anything to her family, nor her friends. Instead, she goes on to watch K-Dramas with sad endings, all day. When the emotional scenes hit her, she cried and finally received the pearls.

Finally, Nyo Nyo, who immediately went to the market as soon as she got the power. Bought bags of Onions and spent her days slicing them. Those uncomfortable tears bring her pearls.

So what is the common thread between those three❓

The goal, “To get pearls”, and the problem “How to shed tears?”

However, the way each of them handle it is different. As well as the efforts they have made and damage they received are also different. This is because each’s intellectual, thinkability and problem solving skills are dissimilar.

💭 Everyday we are living inside a circle with various problems, from the brain-size of an insect to a whale. Starting from a doctor's diagnosis to a kindergarten kid’s handwriting are all parts of the problem.

đŸ€Ż Because, ‘Problem’ is like a part of our daily life, (Problem-Solving) becomes one of the essential skills. Due to this reason, Study Diary will highlight the “Problem-Solving” skill, as a another chapter of our weekly “Essential Life Skills” album. So if you're interested, please tap on each photo.🙌

Translation by @Blonded

Graphics by @Glory


“Parts of problem-solving”

1ïžâƒŁ Finding the problem 🧐

The most important step for solving a problem is accurately locating the problem. NOT searching for a problem that doesn’t exist. It’s like finding the root cause of an issue. If you fail to identify the problem correctly, the solution will not be effective. Similar to giving the wrong medicine to a certain disease. Ability to find the correct source of the problem is the fundamental step in "Problem-Solving" because if you don’t have that ability, efforts you put into solving a problem will be wasted.

2ïžâƒŁ Analysing 📝

Alright, you know the pain, but what about choosing the right medication? When you go to a clinic because you are sick, the doctor doesn’t give you a direct injection without a single question. He will first ask your eating habits and other related questions. This is the doctor's way of analysing and gathering the information of the problem he has to solve. Similarly, if you encounter a problem in your daily life, ask yourself and analyse these questions: "Why does this problem occur?", "How did it happen?", "If there has been a similar situation in the past?", etc
 And review it, collect the information as much as you can and analyse.

3ïžâƒŁ Which one should be solved first? ⏭

You have to prioritise which problem should be solved first. For example; you want to improve your English skills, but you lack the time and money to do so. Now in this case, your priority should be moved from 'Wanting to improve English' to 'lacking of time and money'. If you only keep focusing on improving English skills, you will end up with the first problem; 'time and money'. You have to address your priority problems such as “How to pursue additional income?" or “How to study English without costing a penny?”

4ïžâƒŁ Think about the ways to solve 💡

You have to come up with a potential solution from the knowledge and your collected information. In this stage, your creativity and how much you can outbreak the rules will speak up. You have to determine every possible solution and outweigh the pros and cons of each.

5ïžâƒŁ Decision making, implementation ✅

Finally, once you have generated potential solutions, the next step is to make a decision on which one is the best fit for your situation. After that, it has to be implemented to make it happen. Most people know how to find the solution but don’t want to implement it in reality and run away. The result is your self confidence may become lower. If you have managed to get a solution, you have to make a plan for implementation by using resources needed and without wasting your time.

6ïžâƒŁ Reflect your process đŸ€”

Reviewing is a critical part of the problem-solving process that should not be overlooked. Once you have successfully solved a problem, it is important to review the process and outcome. Reflect on what worked well and what could be improved.


"What do we do when we face a problem?"

I guess; now you know the main elements of problem-solving. From now on, I will share with you about what to do when you face a problem in real life.

đŸ‘„ View from a third person's perspective

The thought “I am literally facing it” will confuse your ability of analysing. Try to see any problem from other people's (the outsider’s) perspectives. If this is the other’s problem, "What will I be doing?" "What advice would I be giving?" Try thinking about those questions.

🌳 Stay calm as much as possible

"Get excited because of the problem, the problem occurs because of the excitement", right? That’s why, no matter what problem you face, take a deep breath and remind yourself that this is not the end. Try to see that the problem you face is not as big as you think. Use coping techniques which make you calm.

⛓ Separate everything you can

Not separating a couple's relationship that you envy XD. Most problems don't come on their own. They usually bring small extensions together. For instance; the problem, “Being overweight”, has its extensions such as, “Not having time for gym”, “Eating too much because of mental instability”, “Not having a regular sleep schedule” and so on. Therefore, without trying to solve a whole problem at once, it is necessary to separate the minors to get an exact goal and process.

🌞 Patience leads you to the right path

Don’t let yourself be discouraged by comparing your process with other people. This weak tendency is also the reason to give up and turn back from the halfway. Focus solely on your work and keep moving your process patiently. Be confident in your chosen solution.


"Why do we need problem solving skills?"

If you have the right knowledge related to problem solving, you will see your difficulties from different perspectives, you will be able to think outside of the rules and be able to solve the problem calmly.

Moreover, in the education field and workplace;

🔰 Being able to think ahead and protect from the incoming problem.

🔰 Being able to identify the best solution for your current problems.

🔰 Being adaptable to embrace new changes.

🔰 Being able to make sound good decisions and fostering creativity.

🔰 Being able to build positive relationships with others.

🔰 Becoming stronger and able to learn from difficulties.

Such aspects of problem-solving will make you an outstanding person among others.

📍"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away." Any place, anytime, or at any age it is inevitable to encounter various problems consequently. In fact, life without any problems can be problematic itself. Which is why it is very important to possess 'Problem-Solving Skills'.


"Developing a solution focused mindset"

After we have done talking about problem solving, we have come up with an essential aspect that you must have when you confront a problem.

♊ Long story short, "Solution Focused Mindset" is a matter of focus on the solution, without focusing on the problem itself.

❌ Now, this does not mean you gotta let your problem go away from your mind. It is important to acknowledge and analyse the problem you are facing. However, if those fears and worries about the problem are overwhelming and disturb your sleep and eat, it's time to shift your focus toward the solution. Instead of being stuck on the problem; "Global Warming", it's better to allocate your focus to the question "Why am I getting hot?" or "What actions can I take?"

đŸŒ» By adopting a solution-focused mindset, you will develop a more positive attitude, will be able to see things you couldn't see before, will see the difficulties as stairs, and you will be able to deal with the problems in more efficient ways.

🎓 Today, Study Diary has shared with you fountains about the "Problem-solving skill". Not only those beneficial 'Essential Life Skills' every week, now we are running free "Conversation Clubs", "GED classes" and "IELTS Camps" across our organisation. So
. don't miss the opportunity for your personal growth! Like our page and stay tuned for new updates.💕

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