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Someone who truly loves you, knows how to take care of you. If they say “I love you”, but don’t know how to take care of you, yeah ... .for sure, they don’t actually love you.

Hold on, hold on!!!

Before you think about other people, please take a moment to prioritize yourself.

Do you know how to love yourself in the right way❓

‘Self-love’ without the ‘self-care’ would be a fake.

They say, “You can't pour from an empty cup."

📌 To be able to fill someone else's cup, you must first need to fill your own. Before you love someone, you need to love yourself first. Before you take care of someone, you need to take care of yourself. In this way, you can establish a meaningful and strong relationship with yourself for a long time. 🤗

🌱 So, this week, "Study Diary" will be focusing on the topic of “Self-care”, as a part of “Essential LIfe Skill.” We will explore how self care is important to be healthy both physically and mentally to improve social relationships in work and family. The self-care tips are provided in each category. So tap on each photo to read more. 🙌

Translation by @Blonded

Graphics by @Glory


“Physical self-care”

♦️As the technology becomes more advanced, most of the activities ranging from learning to shopping can be done easily with just a few taps on your phone screens. A drawback of this easy-living is; most people start to decline in physical connection and physical activity as a result of excessive screen time. 🧑‍💻

Do you know for certain, lack of inadequate sleep and physical exercises can lead to both weight gain and loss, as well as increase the risks of heart, muscle and bone diseases, and in advance, it can shorten our life span?❗️

Like the saying, “If your body is healthy, your mind is healthy”, you need to maintain your physical body health, first.

In the following section, health care tips are described below.

✅ Keep a regular sleep schedule and get a quality sleep ⏰

An adult should spend 7 to 9 hours sleeping each night. In order to have the benefits from optimal sleep hygiene, Not only getting plenty of sleep, the regular sleeping schedule is also important. Sleep, which can enhance memorability and the process of emotion, as well as can have a direct effect on your physical body such as weight loss and gain. To sum up, it wouldn't be wrong to say that sleep is the most important factor in “Physical-self care”.

✅ Eat nutritious and healthy diet 🥛🥦

Our bodies require an appropriate need for nutrients to replace the damaged cells, to grow new tissues and to maintain the internal systems like the digestive system. Moreover, whether there's a good or bad immune system, and balance or imbalance hormone production depends on nutrition in our bodies. Therefore, if you love yourself, you have to eat good food.

✅ Exercise Regularly 🏃

WHO indicates that one in four adults lack regular physical exercise. Although it may seem challenging to do regular exercises purposely, you should walk half an hour a day, and or bicycling for short trips to help boost your energy.

✅ Drink Plenty of Water 🍶

If you love yourself, you need to drink plenty of water as well. 60% of your body is composed of water. Such as breathing and other body functions, sweating and urination causes loss of water in the body. To refill this, you should drink at least two and half liters per a day.

✅ Perform annual medical checkup 🏥🩺

Ideally, you should visit the dentist twice a year and once for a medical check up in three to four years. Nevertheless, your financial situation prevents such visits, it’s crucial to be proactive and attentive to maintain your body’s needs and flaws.


“Emotional Self-care”

♦️ As you need to take care of your body, it’s important to take charge of your emotions which drive your mood, too. 🌧

These are the tips for better “emotional self-care” :

🔴 Social Media Detox 📱

On facebook, are you losing time which you will never get back again by chit chatting and gossiping in other people’s business? Are you feeling overwhelmed by the negative news? Even though Social Media is a valuable tool for connecting with others and accessing resources for the news, sometimes it can be a big disturbance for your stability. Due to this reason, you should take regular breaks from social media and spend more time with other productive activities.

🔴 Do not bury your emotion 😷

When faced with strong emotions, it is important to find healthy ways to express and release them. For example; if you’re being stressed out, crying out loud could be an effective stress reliever.

🔴 Books, Movies and Musics 🎧 📚

Watching an old movie you used to like in childhood, reading a really good book or volume up your music to dance and sing loudly are the healthy coping mechanisms to uplift your spirit. So if you’re feeling stressed out, take a rest for a while and try to immerse yourself in such emotions.

🔴 Connect with your friends 👬🧑‍🤝‍🧑

Together with friends, even a horror movie can turn into a comedy genre, right? If you're feeling fear and loneliness like in the horror movies, reach out to a friend to talk or spend time together. Connecting with friends will rejuvenate your mind and support you to uplift your emotions.

🔴 Stress Management 🌿🎵💆

There’s nobody on Earth who doesn't experience stress because your body is instinctive to react this way. What’s important is to know what you’re facing and how you handle it. Ask yourself questions like; “What makes you feel stressed?” “How to deal with it for the next time?” And trying to understand these sorts of questions by yourself is a sign of an individual with good emotional self-care.


“Mental Self-Care”

♦️ If you only focus on the jobs with low memorial effort and don’t come in contact with the new information, your brain will decrease memorability over time. 📉

Before you let that happen, by avoiding memory damaging behaviors and doing intellectually challenging activities, you can practice "Mental Self-Care"

Here are some tips for mental self-care:

🔷 Engage in thinking activities like Puzzle, Quiz and Chess 🧠 ♟

You have to sharpen your thinkability and learning capacity, like a sword. One of the best ways to stimulate your active mind is solving puzzles, answering quizzes, playing Chess and performing such kinds of activities.

🔷 Meditate for five minutes each day. Practice a breathing exercise. 🧘‍♀️🧘

Meditating regularly can reduce anxiety and negative emotion, as well as it can enhance your creativity and concentration. Moreover, it can prevent memory decline. Hence, you should choose your suited way of meditation and practice. If time and situation doesn't give you a chance for a proper meditation, you can try some other breathing exercises.

🔷 Choose the healthier snacks instead of high calories foods and fries. 🍏

When you see the word; “Snack”, the first thing that comes across to your mind is potato chips and sodas, right? If you consume them too much, rather than an unbalanced diet, in fact, your concentration and memory capacity will decrease, And it also can lead to mood swings. That’s why you should try replacing unhealthy snacks with bananas, yogurt and other fresh fruits.

🔷 Relax. 😴

If you force yourself to concentrate too long, the result would come out as stress from prolonging ineffective clustering. So, it’s better to take a break without forcing yourself too much, when you perform highly concentrated work. Doing that will allow you to assimilate new ideas and help to see mistakes clearly. Whether you are working or studying, make sure you plan a certain period to relax.

🔷 Explore a new hobby you have never tried before. 🧶🎸

Trying out new hobbies which you have never attempted before, such as Knitting, Playing a guitar, Painting, Handicrafts, Gardening, is an excellent way to nimble your mind and forget about anxieties.


“Social Self-care”

♦️ Humans are creatures that live in groups. How we interact with other people has an impact on our social health to some extent. Good relationships encourage good mental health. Thus, you need to preserve your social life as well.

Here is what do we do for social health care:

🌻 Spend time with Loved ones 🏡

When you’re busy with your daily responsibilities, you may forget to spend the time with Loved ones around you or sometimes you even forget to see face to face for weeks. If you’re starting to get aware of this things happening to you, get up right now and help the elders with house stuff and spend time together.

🌻 Reconnect with old friends 🤗🔗

Most people have old friends whom we have lost touch with, over time. Reconnecting with those will equip the chances of getting back the old precious relationships and valuable changes in your life. Therefore don't be shy to start a conversation, just text a message to them, right now.

🌻 Volunteer 🌎

There are bunches of teams and organizations you can volunteer in your area or online. Out of these, choose your preferred field such as Education, Charity, Social and Religion. By volunteering in those fields, you can improve your teamwork abilities and interaction with a variety of people.

🌻 Effective Communication 🗣

In social life, effective communication is the key principle of maintaining a strong and healthy relationship. Whether it's with your family, friend groups or even with a complete stranger, learning to express your emotions and opinions empathetically is key. If needed, consider improving your communication skills and attitude towards talking to cultivate better social relationships.

You can read about “Effective Communication” in details, here:

🌻 Join interest and common groups

Let’s say you love reading, seek to join online and in-person book clubs. You can exchange your interests with other perspectives, and you will get common friends. Plus, you will also find a community where you feel you belongs.

🌻 Healthy social support

Out of all these factors, “to pack your final closed bag”, there’s still one more of the most vital factors. This is; to have a good support system for everybody, to uplift and cheer up your spirits whenever you are depressed or you feel lonely. Any anxiety you face may feels twice harder when you’re alone. So, to support your self-love, don’t forget to build up a strong support system


“Professional Self-Care”

♦️️ In this "Professional Self-Care" part, "How to be happy at work?", "How to avoid stress from work?", and "How to live without being mixed up with your personal and professional?" will be provided to you fountains.

🔶 Work-life balance ⚖️

You have to have a 'Work-Life Balance' in your life by avoiding situations such as becoming too busy and neglecting time for yourself or imbalance between work and leisure. Ask yourself, "What is your priority?" "How to manage your time?" By understanding such questions, you can work towards creating a harmonious and fulfilling balanced life.

🔶 Healthy Boundaries 🚫

Establishing appropriate boundaries at your workplace is a dynamic step to maintain happiness in your profession. This include having a balanced and specific working hour, being able to flatly reject the task beyond your capacity, equipping time for regularly breaks, not allowing your works approach to your personal life, being able to systematically optimize etc…

🔶 Learn continuously 💡

Don't ever be satisfied only with what you know and where you are. Always strive to learn continuously for your personal development. Your current position will not always be stabilized. Things you learn will promote you to be more resilient and adapt very quickly whenever you experience life changes.

🔶 Positive Environment 👥

Cultivating a positive relationship with your colleagues and partners is a key to open happiness at your workplace. To establish such a relationship, you have to be always respectful, understand the social behaviors and accept the differences as they are.

🔶 Make your workspace comforting 🏢💼

If your workspace is comforting, you will be able to concentrate better, so as increase productivity. As students organize their desks to be comfortable, you should manage your space well-designed and satisfying as much as you can.

So today…after reading this article, I hope you acquired a lot of different knowledge connected with "Self-Care." On different days, "Study Diary" will spread different kinds of knowledge regularly. In case you haven’t hit the like and follow bottom yet, don't forget to press it now.

Stay Tuned Everyone!!!!!!💕


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