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Stepping Out of Comfort Zone

Writer's picture: Study DiaryStudy Diary

“Don’t you know what your passion is? Do you wanna enhance your English skills? Are you looking to work out more regularly? Are you interested in finding the perfect outfit for yourself? Do you aspire to improve your communication skills? Do you wanna get a higher-paying job? Do you wanna excel in public speaking skills? Or are you seeking a romantic partner?”

Would you be surprised if Study Diary has the answer to all these questions?😱😱

It is not that challenging. Just to expand your “Comfort Zone”. ✅

It does not imply completely leaving your comfort zone behind, but rather broadening it to create a greater one filled with comfortable stuff so that you are not content with a small one.

🌟 Like the saying, “A ship in harbour is safe, but that is not what ships are built for.”, it is unrealistic to discover your true passion and abilities solely by anchoring your ship in a secure and comfortable harbour. It requires the courage to explore new things, using your own prudence and to try things that may be uncomfortable for you.

📌 Our own comfort zone is the same as the meaning of this saying, "Medication if applied well, harm if applied amiss.", being accompanied by both positive and negative effects. That is why we are here to share this topic as an essential life skill for today. “Is the comfort zone something we must abandon? How to conquer the fear of venturing outside of it? If these questions capture your interest, tap each photo to dive into details. 🙌

Translation by @Hilton

Graphics by @Glory


What exactly is a comfort zone?

A comfort zone is a psychological state in which individuals feel at ease, experiencing minimal levels of anxiety and stress. It is a condition when they are in control of everything in a sense of familiarity.

Everybody has different comfort zones. Your determined obligation of stepping out of your comfort zone, likewise, cannot be parallel with others.

For instance, wearing a short skirt would be a big challenge in getting out of your comfort zone, but others who are used to wearing it do not even have to think twice. 👗

📌 There is no perfection or imperfection in comfort zones. We just have to decide whether or not to jump out of our comfort zone depending on the change we want. Some comfort zones among numerous varieties are

1. Social comfort zone 🌐

It means you typically engage with people you already know and avoid interaction with unfamiliar individuals, living in a secure social cycle.

2. Learning comfort zone 📚

It includes study strategies and conditions you are already accustomed to such as putting much effort only into a subject you are already good at, reading articles that convey the same idea as you, studying in your own normal way, the need for a neat and quiet environment to study, being more active to study in the morning rather than in the evening, etc. You ought to expand your learning comfort zone by embracing new approaches, such as learning a new language, taking courses in unfamiliar fields, exploring different ideas and perspectives that are against your beliefs, studying while listening to music, etc.

3. Professional comfort zone 🌐

It means working only on routines and tasks in which you are already proficient, avoiding new opportunities and issues that you may have to take a lead just because of the risks coming through.

4. Physical comfort zone 🏃‍♀️

The vast majority of people in this comfort zone primarily encounter some potential cases such as failing to try engaging in sports, believing they are incapable even though they are willing to, taking the usual workout routine consistently, encountering challenges in exercising anywhere except home as it is the only place you feel at ease, struggling to cope with unfamiliar environments, etc.

In the next section, we will be discussing whether we should step out of these several comfort zones as a must and try every single new thing.


Is stepping out of a comfort zone necessary?

🙅 You will not see any progress by jumping out of your comfort zone and starting to do uncomfortable things. Feeling content in your current lifestyle should not induce guilt, as life is not a competition. Amid the daily struggles of life, the comfort zone with the assumption ‘This one is still under control.” offers a genuine sense of reassurance, and attempting to destroy it will lead to stress, pushing you further away from your desired goals. 👣

🔁 However, every single person has, at least, one personal deed to change. You need to take risks by stepping out of your simple routine to bring a better and more productive change.

👤 Besides, the older we get, the more we explore new things, and the more we know about ourselves. An example would be realizing that short hair suits you better only after you have cut your long hair. You gain better insight into yourself like who truly you are and what things you like based on your experience. If you aspire to live a life free from regret by breaking the mold of your routine, you should try to approach new experiences with intelligence and mindfulness.

📌 As the phrase “Get out of your comfort zone.” is frequently said, its original meaning has sometimes been misconstrued, and we tend to think in a different way like forcing an acrophobic person to try skydiving, or a person with social anxiety to make friends with an extroverted group.

The actual fact is that using different practices for everything you are used to is called moving out of your comfort zone. It could include taking an alternative route home from school or wearing dresses instead of casual baggy shirts.


What is making you stuck?

You know you should get out of your comfort zone. You also want to change yourself, but you are stuck in that state of knowing and nothing happens. Why is that❓

The main point is fear. The walls of fear, standing between us and our new meaningful experiences are

😷 Fear of ‘unfamiliar’ and ‘unknown’

Individuals have a natural instinct for unfamiliarity. We tend to hesitate about going grocery shopping we have never visited, taking on a task we have never attempted, trying on clothing styles we have never worn before, or initiating conversations with people we have never met. For those seeking to break out of their comfort zone, these kinds of attitudes often serve as barriers that make them hesitate when faced with new opportunities.

📉 Fear of failure

Let’s say you apply for a scholarship but unfortunately, you fail at the interview stage even though you put in your best effort. In such a situation, then, vulnerability may creep into your mind as you compare yourself with others, leading to hesitancy to try again. This is the potential scenario of a fear of failure. Another reason for this fear would be worrying if something goes wrong due to a lack of experience in that particular matter. As a consequence, this can lead to living in a comfort zone without taking risks, beaten by the thoughts of ‘What if’.

👥 Fear of others’ opinions

Humans are normally referred to as social animals, and it is natural for everyone to be concerned about others’ opinions, and are afraid of dim views and ridicule. That is why they stick to activities they can cope with, missing out on a chance to try new things. It is like being extremely concerned about pronunciation in a Chinese class for fear of being mocked. Then they might even become a people pleaser who can never speak out for their voices, in a way of living their lives for others, and have struggles in finding satisfaction in their own actions.

🗒 Fear of living apart from a familiar stable routine

As you have a clear understanding of what to do in your current comfort zone, everything feels stable and you are in charge of them. However, when you venture into something new, it can be unpredictable and beyond your control. Suppose that you resign your well-paid job to pursue your dream job. In such a situation, you might find yourself confused with questions like “Is it the right choice or not?” or “What if I want to change this decision afterward?”. These kinds of fear are like “Heaven when sitting, lameness when standing” and can arise at such times.


Let’s overcome the fear and obstacles!

A few methods to overcome your fear include

🔷 Change your environment

Imagine what you want to get rid of is the fear of public speaking. If the people around you are the same as you or not supportive, it is impossible to address this issue. Like the Burmese proverb, “Fisherman near a fisherman, hunter near a hunter”, your behavior is significantly shaped by your environment. Seeking out a new environment where your desired behavior, attitude, and qualities can flourish would be the best solution, and try to escape from negative surroundings.

🔷 Reflect on yourself 🌻

All changes start from self-awareness. When you try to adapt something new out of your comfort zone, ask yourself the following questions.

▪️What is the reason behind your desire to try that particular thing?

▪️What are the potential obstacles or challenges that may stand between you ▪️and that thing?

▪️While trying to adapt to it, what might be the worst possible outcomes and the most promising benefits?

▪️Have you ever experienced the elation when you succeeded in what you found challenging in your previous encounters?

▪️Would you enjoy your life in the next five years if you continue your way persistently in your comfort zone?

▪️Do you have a self-care plan?

🔷 Break it into manageable steps 📈

Never hasten the process of changing into what you want. Go steadily and patiently with baby steps. For instance, if you wish to wear shorts, but lack confidence, you can begin by trying out sports shorts during your workouts. From that, you may gradually feel comfortable wearing shorts by trying on other times, later the challenge of wearing shorts would turn into comfort wear.

🔷 Battling negative thoughts 🫂

If you have been in a running competition or have experience in public speaking, you probably know that one thought of “I can’t do this anymore.” can bring a similar effect on reality. When confronted with irrational fear and anxiety like the above, you need to bear confidence, self-awareness, and criticism to deal with that. In addition, there will be more or less discomfort including stress and bewilderment in stepping out of your comfort zone. It is essential to consider in advance whether you possess a coping mechanism and a well-functioning support system to address these challenges.

🔷 Balancing between growth and well-being ⚖️

It is considerably important to maintain a balance between growth and well-being not to ignore your physical and mental health and not to lose your identity. The ability to analyze when to give up or move forward can help you be the one who is willing to embrace challenges beyond your comfort zone and make yourself comfortable with them.

After reading this content about Comfort Zone, we believe you have gained a sustainable amount of knowledge of it. We will also be sharing another Essential Life Skill in the upcoming week, so if you wish to read some particular topics, just leave in the comment box. Stay tuned! 💕


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